Thursday, February 26, 2009

YWAM Modesto hosts Global Youth Network!

-by Chris

We partner with a Canadian organization called Global Youth Network. Every year they bring a batch of young leaders to Modesto for a week of outreach and training...which really means they hang out with us and do what we do with us. We love Global teams! Here's some pictures from the week...some from my phone and others from the team...

Day #1 - The obligatory touristy day in the city...Fisherman's Wharf, Golden Gate Bridge, Sunset over the ocean and awesome curry!

Day #2 - Church in the morning and a tour of Modesto and where we work for orientation.

Day #3 - the team spent the whole day downtown with no money, food or resources. They had to rely solely on homeless people to find out where to go for food. They ended up making some really good friends.

Day #4 - We spent the morning with Advancing Vibrant Communities hearing about their work and then we went and did a project with them...chopping and stacking wood for an elderly lady and her daughter...

...then we barbecued for the South 9th St. community...

This team dug in to our heart to make friends and let relationship and compassion lead the way.

Day #5 - Yosemite!


Day #6 - We went back to 9th St and reconnected with friends from earlier in the week...

These guys were more than just another team...they dove into our heart for people and became friends and co-workers. We even dreamed together about the future. Yay team!

And I think we wore them out a bit.